Penn Foster News | March 2009
Faces of Penn Foster

JUSTINA B. of Orange Walk, Belize

JUSTINA B. of Orange Walk, Belize

“It has been a pleasure going to Penn Foster High School. Here is a graduation picture of me. I say thank you once again for helping me to finish high school.”

DANE L. of Canyon Lake, CADANE L. of Canyon Lake, CA

“Knowing how difficult it would be to make these two trips during the school year and to continue with two final years of traditional schooling, I chose to transfer to the Penn Foster High School program. I have completed the program in nine months with an average grade of 96%. The program takes the confusion out of learning and has given me the freedom to fly.”

“My name is Dane L., and I am a 17-year-old from Canyon Lake, CA, who was part of a four-man team that broke the coast-to-coast round trip speed record in an R-44 helicopter last April. I also volunteer at Wings and Rotors Museum in French Valley and joined them on their Flying Thunder mission last year.

Flying Thunder sent three Huey helicopters across the country in coordination with Rolling Thunder — 200,000 Vietnam Vets on motorcycles traveling from California to the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. Their goal was to honour war veterans along the way with a culminating ceremony on May 25th at The Wall, attended by the President.

Our group visited 43 cities in 16 states over a 23-day period. We met with large groups, as well as small, providing closure for many veterans whose last memory of Vietnam was being extracted by a Huey Medivac helicopter.

I provided ground crew and logistic support on the trip east and assisted with flying on the trip home. Learning about the various handling differences between the three Hueys on the trip and flying in formation added a whole new dimension to my flying experience. Working with the highly credentialed pilots who volunteered for Flying Thunder was invaluable as well.”

Dane L.

Since his graduation from Penn Foster High School, Dane continues to take helicopter lessons, and is attending community college studying Administration of Justice and American Sign Language classes. This young man has many goals in sight. He wants to obtain a commercial pilot’s license and a certified pilot instructor (CFI) credential after his 18th birthday. After his 21st birthday, Dane would like to fly for the sheriff’s department. In the meantime, he continues to build his knowledge and flies in whatever capacity he can.

Related Links:
World Record Helicopter Team
Wings and Rotors Museum
Flying Thunder