It’s a funny thing about New Year celebrations. Psychologists say that immediately after January 1st, a large part of the population feels uninspired, tired, and even depressed. Some say it is because of the weather. The limited sunlight, long nights, and colder temperatures can take a toll on our psyche. Others say it goes deeper than this. Human beings have the unique ability to contemplate the future. This ability allows us to imagine the year ahead as better or worse than the year just ended.

Those with the brightest view of the new year take steps to do something “different.” New health club memberships spike. Many consider exotic travel. Others buy new wardrobes.

However, these changes are, for the most part, temporary. Penn Foster has spent the last 120 years offering people the opportunity to make permanent changes with an affordable accessible education.

So whether you’re a graduate, a current student, or someone perhaps thinking about enrolling, we hope you keep working toward your goal. Remember, we are here to help in any way we can.

From all of us at Penn Foster, we wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!


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